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Tips and Fixes


Wildcard symbol (*)

Wildcard symbol "*" allows hotkeys to be triggered even if modifiers keys such as "Ctrl", "alt", etc are being held down!



*c up::send z


Prevent stuck down problems with modifiers keys such as "Ctrl", "ALt", "Shift", etc!

In order to prevent stuck down problems with modifiers keys such as "Ctrl", "ALt", "Shift", etc, "Send" command should always be used with "{Blind}" option!


Send {Blind}{Right}

Send {Blind}{Left down}

Send {Blind}{Left up}

Send {Blind}{Left up}{Right up}{Up Up}{Down up}


{Blind} mode disables useful automatic tasks that sometimes are the sources of problems in some situations!


Release a "Logical" key up even if the "Physical" key is being held down!

Just use {Blind} with "Send" command!


Send {Blind}{LCtrl up}

The "Logical" LCtrl key will be released up even if the "Physical" LCtrl key is being held down!

{Blind} mode disables useful automatic tasks that sometimes are the sources of problems in some situations!


Lower-Case instead Upper-Case letters should be used with Hotkeys!

Hotkeys will not require "Shift" key to be held down in order to be triggered!


a::b ("a" key alone will trigger "b")
A::b ("a" key alone will not trigger "b", unless "Shift" key is held down!)

Lower-Case instead Upper-Case letters should be used with "Send" command!

Prevents "Send" command to trigger "Shift" key unnecessarily!


Send {a Down} (Will not trigger "Shift" key!)
Send {A Down} (Will trigger "Shift" key!)

In the examples below, "m" key will use "Send" command behind the scenes to send "a\A":

m::a ("Shift" key will not be triggered!)
m::A ("Shift" key will be triggered!)


Hotkeys created with "HotKey" command may not work!

Just place above the hotkeys the "Hotkey, If" line!


Hotkey, If

Hotkey, p, Do_This
send Hello ppppppp

Hotkey, o, Do_That
send Hello ooooooo


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